Weight Loss - How To Monitor Your Progress

Gaining weight is easy. Losing it is hard. That's why so many people give up midway through their weight loss journey.

But if you monitor your progress and weight, you'll be more likely to succeed in the long run.

However, there's a wrong and a right way to monitor your progress, so read on to find out more!

Why Monitoring Is Key

Anyone who has ever gone on a diet knows that the process is not always straightforward.

There may be times when progress stalls or even seems to backtrack.

This can be frustrating and discouraging, but it's important to remember that weight loss is a complex process, and there are many factors that can affect it.

Monitoring progress regularly is crucial, as it can help to identify any potential obstacles.

If progress does stall, adjusting the plan of action is often necessary in order to get things moving again.

This may involve making changes to the diet or training routine or even seeking professional help.

But with a little perseverance, it is usually possible to get back on track and achieve the desired results.

Monitoring True Weight

Most people would agree that their weight fluctuates throughout the day.

For example, you might weigh yourself after a workout and find that you've lost a few pounds, or step on the scale after a big meal and find that you've gained a few ounces.

However, did you know that your true weight is actually in the morning, before breakfast, after going to the toilet, and without clothes?

That's right - all of those factors can add up to a significant difference on the scale.

So if you want precise monitoring and an accurate weigh-in, be sure to step on the scale naked before you eat breakfast and after your morning poop session!

It’s Not Just Weight!

When it comes to monitoring weight loss, there is more to consider than just the numbers on the scale.

In fact, measuring weight is just one small part of the equation.

Other factors, such as circumferences, energy levels, how clothes fit, and how you perform in the gym, can all provide valuable insights into your progress.

So, if you're serious about losing weight and getting healthy, don't just focus on the scale.

Instead, take a more holistic approach and track a variety of different metrics.

This will give you a better understanding of your overall progress and help you stay on track.

Adjusting The Plan

Though weight is not the only variable, it is the primary one you should base your plan adjustments on.

For the most part, you should aim to lose about 1-2 lbs per week, as this is a healthy rate of weight loss that will allow you to retain muscle mass and have energy for daily activities.

If, however, you are obese or overweight, you can lose up to 5-6 pounds per week, and as you come down to normal body composition, that rate also comes down to the normal 1-2 lbs per week.

To adjust your plan, weigh yourself every day all the way from Monday to Sunday, and average it out for the entire week.

The average is calculated by dividing the sum of your daily weigh-ins by the number of days.

In this case, it would be the sum of your 7-days' worth of weigh-ins divided by 7.

If your weekly average goes down 0.5-2 lbs per week consistently, you don’t need to make significant adjustments.

On the other hand, if weight loss is negligible (0.1-0.3 lbs,) adjustments are due.

This would generally mean reducing the caloric intake or increasing activity levels, so you can create a greater caloric deficit and bump up the rate of weight loss.

However, you should acknowledge the fact that as you diet down and lose weight, the body adapts and requires fewer and fewer calories.

The thing here is that you don’t want to find yourself at a point where you’re eating too little food, only to lose a negligible amount of weight (this is when the metabolism is really slow!)

In order to avoid this, you’d be best off taking a break from dieting every 3-4 weeks for up to 10-14 days.

A break from dieting simply means eating a bit more food that will allow you to MAINTAIN your body weight.

What this means is that a diet break is not a period where you go back recklessly to eating however much you want, but rather, bumping up the food intake a bit so that your metabolic rate goes back up.

After 10-14 days on a diet break, you can carefully tap back down into a caloric deficit and continue your weight loss journey!


As you work to lose weight, it's important to keep track of your progress. This helps you keep your plan effective and yourself motivated.

Monitor your true, morning weight, and keep track of your body measurements, energy levels, and gym performance!

And as always, if you need help on your way to your best physique, make sure to hit me up!


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