Over the past 14 years I have had the privilege of working with thousands people. Helping them reach their goals and improve their lives through exercise, nutrition and recovery.


    “I struggle with joint issues, have a back condition & I get injuries very easily due to these conditions. Gareth has always been able to work around my ailments & when I have felt like I can't do things or wanted to give it all up, he has always been encouraging, knowledgeable & easily reversed my negativity. No matter what you want to achieve, whether it is fitness improvement, nutritional information, weight loss, confidence boost, you will find no one better than Gareth to help you through this journey, support you & give you all that you need to smash your goals. I owe so much to Gareth & I can't imagine what my quality of life would have been like, if I never met him! He is worth his weight in gold!”


    “Gareth is always very encouraging and has a vast knowledge of his profession. He is focused on helping me achieve my goals and makes every session challenging (& somehow fun).

    I know that I would never have achieved the level of fitness and wellness I have at my age, if not for the personal attention given in my training sessions.

    I actually look forward to my sessions!”


    “I have been training with Gareth for the past 3 years and we have developed a very good working relationship over this time. He is very professionally, knowledgable and makes every workout enjoyable. He is sport specific and has helped me improve my technique, flexibility, power and strength for my sport; football. He motivates and pushes you to achieve your goals, and is passionate about his work and is a pleasure to work with. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a personal trainer.”


    “I started training with Gareth once a week when I was 12 weeks pregnant. I wanted to keep training throughout my pregnancy if possible and knew Gareth had great pre and post-natal expertise. I really enjoyed my sessions which Gareth adapted throughout my pregnancy to most importantly keep it safe but still challenge my body. I was able to train right up until the birth of my daughter and returned after 12 weeks to slowly rebuild strength and fitness. 10 months on I still love my weekly session and you couldn’t meet a nicer guy! I would recommend Gareth to anyone, no matter on your age or fitness level he caters for everyone!”


    “I`ve been training with Gareth now for 2 years.

    I couldn`t recommend him highly enough…his enthusiasm and drive (especially at 6am!) are nothing short of inspirational.

    The structure and content of his sessions are evidence of the years of experience and knowledge he has accrued.

    He makes it his job to really `know` his clients.  He pushes you because he knows your capabilities…..l love this, because l know l give everything l have each and every time.

    If you want to get results and push yourself to be better, fitter, stronger….get in touch with Gareth!!”


    “I’ve been training with Gareth for over two years now. Beginning with personal training and small groups then we even progressed to online sessions over covid lockdowns.

    His enthusiasm is ridiculous but infectious, especially at 6am. You never leave a session without a smile on your face and sweat on everything else!

    The most impressive thing about him is his knowledge and with it his continued approach to personal development.

    My technique has improved dramatically, lifting safer with better results.

    Every session is planned with your needs and goals in mind. I could not recommend him more to help change your body, mind and soul.”


    “I’ve been training with Gareth for 2 years now and can honestly say he is the most professional and educated PT I know.”


    What I love about working with Gareth is that he is 100% committed to your success. He meets you right where you are at without judgement, without feeling like a failure, he helps you realise that you can achieve more than you could imagine.

    At the start I could barely lift 5kg above my head, I couldn’t even do one push up. But now I can do up to 30 push ups in one session and I’m now performing chin ups.

    Gareth looks at the whole picture. he cares about your nutrition, hydration, sleep basically your whole lifestyle. I really value this.

    Overall I now feel so much fitter, stronger and healthier in myself.”

  • Chris Gibson

    I’ve known Gareth for 14 years and consider him a close friend. I have trained with him on and off for a number of years, but really started a committed training program with him a couple of years ago. 

    The transformation and improvement in not only my physical appearance, but my strength, confidence and knowledge of workouts and diet is something I’ve never had before. 

    Training with Gareth is much more than a PT session once a week. The knowledge & accountability he brings is second to none and that carries through beyond the sessions with him. 

    His attention to detail for each specific client is remarkable and I know I wouldn’t have progressed to the level I have without him. More than that, each session with him is good craic (even if his choice of music can be dodgy sometimes) and conversation extends way beyond just chatting about “working out”.

    If anybody is looking to improve their fitness or lifestyle, I could not recommend Gareth highly enough! goes here