So you’ve finally decided to put in the work and get fit. Congrats!


But now that you’re in the swing of things, you might be wondering what a healthy breakfast looks like.


Granted, how you start your day will greatly define how you continue… But this can be tricky territory, because there are so many options and opinions out there on the best way to start your day.


Today we’re going to take a look at some of the most common breakfast foods and see how they stack up nutritionally.


Armed with this knowledge, you can make better choices for your own breakfast routine. Let’s go!


The Typical Breakfast

A typical breakfast for most people consists of coffee, juices, and fruits.

This meal is a great way to start the day as it provides energy and important micronutrients.

Coffee is a great source of caffeine, which helps to improve focus and concentration.

Juices are packed with vitamins and minerals, while fruits provide some quality carbohydrates.

This typical breakfast is widely recognised as “healthy” especially by people on a weight loss plan, BUT… it has one fatal flaw - It’s full of sugar and it’s not satiating!

If your breakfast only consists of fruits, juices and coffee, you will be left starving just some 60-90 minutes after the meal.

This is simply because sugar is easily digestible and has a generally low satiety index, meaning it isn’t really filling/satiating.

The Solution

Now you may ask “Why would I want to be satiated in the first place?” and that’s a good question.

 But think about it - Because it helps you stop thinking about food, satiation, or the feeling of being full and satisfied after eating, is an important part of a healthy diet.

The solution to the poorly-satiating typical breakfast options, is… consumption of quality protein and fats!

Protein and fat-rich foods are more satiating than carbohydrate-rich foods, meaning that they can help you feel fuller for longer.

This is because protein and fat take longer to digest, and in addition to that, they stimulate greater production of appetite suppression hormones.

Breakfast Examples

The chemistry of protein and fat digestion goes much deeper and becomes way more complex, but really, you don’t need to know all of the science, in order to apply it!

 All you need, is to know that you have to include a bit more protein in your meals, and find the right food sources to do so!

 So without further ado, let’s have a look at some of the best, and most nutrient-dense breakfast options.


Eggs Benedict

Eggs Benedict are a perfect option for a satiating breakfast because they are filling and taste great.

The eggs, ham, and hollandaise sauce all combine to create a delicious, satisfying and nutritious meal.

If you are looking for something tasty and satisfying to start your day, eggs Benedict are a great option!

Steak, Potatoes & Avocado

When it comes to a great breakfast, the things that come to mind the least are steak and potatoes.

But these two foods are nutrient-rich and provide plenty of energy for a morning start, meaning they might actually be great breakfast options.

The steak is a good source of protein, while the potatoes are packed with carbohydrates and make the meal even more satiating.

And who can resist the creamy, delicious taste of avocado? Pack these 3 together in your breakfast and feel how you are satiated for hours to come!

Yoghurt Oats & Boiled Eggs

If you are usually having boiled oats for breakfast, you can add a twist by using yoghurt, instead of hot water!


The protein from yoghurt will keep you a tad bit more satiated and when you pair that with the preserved protein structure of boiled eggs, you won’t really think about food for quite some time!


Add some fruits to your oatmeal, and you’re good to go!


Final Thoughts

So, the next time you’re reaching for a breakfast that will help you lose weight and keep you feeling full and focused all morning long, don’t forget about the importance of quality protein and fats.


Your body will thank you! Do you have a go-to healthy breakfast recipe that includes both protein and fat?


Would you like new ideas for meals- why not send me a message with the words “NEW RECIPES”


small changes CREATE meaningful results
