How to Pick Your Perfect Summer Outdoor Sport or Activity

For some people, selecting the perfect outdoor sport or activity is something that they did many years ago, often during high school. However, the choice is not so easy for other people. It might seem like sport isn't for you if you haven't already selected one by the time you leave school, but that isn't the case at all! In truth, it is never too late to start a new outdoor sport or activity.

There are so many different sports and activities to choose from, many of which were not accessible to most people at school.

But how do you find the right summer outdoor sport or activity for you? This article will help offer more insight into outdoor sports in summer and help you decide which one is right for you.

Why Exercise in Summer?

But before we dive into the various exercises or activities you can undertake, we should probably look at why exercising in summer is so great.

Brighter nights equals more free time

This one might seem obvious, but many people don't consider how much easier it is to start a new hobby in summer! Sure, you finish work at the same time in winter and in summer, but those additional couple of hours of sunlight on an evening opens all kinds of opportunities.

Now, you have much more flexibility instead of desperately cramming an after-work hobby in before it gets dark.

You could go straight after work, or you could wait and go after your dinner. Many more possibilities are available, and this makes summer outdoor sports and activities much more accessible.

Better weather

Is there a better time to exercise than when the sun is shining?

There is no better feeling after a long day of being stuck behind a desk inside than getting outside and feeling the sun on your face as you run around and have a laugh with like-minded individuals.

Summer gives you a much better chance of training and exercising in great weather. Sure, every so often, this doesn't go to plan, and there is the odd summer shower, but overall, summer is a fantastic time to be outside, soaking up the sun and getting your steps in.


Finally, one fantastic benefit of exercising in summer is the social aspect. Sure, some people take up outdoor sports to compete at a high level and do not engage too much in the social aspect of things, but most other people find a balance of both.

You can exercise hard and train to your maximum, and then head out to a bar with your new friends and have a well-deserved drink or meal.

Playing new sports as an adult opens you up to all new social circles, allows you to gather other perspectives on current events, and will bring a lot of joy and happiness to your life.

Things to Consider

Your style of physical activity

The first thing I want you to consider is what sort of physical activity do you enjoy doing? Do you find that you have enough motivation to exercise on your own, compared to having to train with someone else at a specific time of day? If this sounds like you, solo sports might be a better option.

On the other hand, if you prefer training in groups, like the accountability of training at specific times, and getting motivation from the encouragement of others, then team sports would be a better choice for you.

Ultimately, whatever exercise or sport you choose, you have to enjoy it, or there is no chance that you will continue it for a long period.

The gear and resources

Another thing you need to consider is what gear or resources you need to undertake each sport.

You don't want to turn up to a training session for your chosen sport only to realise you can't take part because you don't have the necessary equipment.

The best thing you can do is check beforehand what common gear or resources are for your chosen sport, evaluate what that cost might be to you and whether it is worth you investing that much money in your chosen hobby.

For example, if you have decided you are going to skateboard very often and you have the disposable income to hand, don't shy away from investing in a board and the necessary safety equipment. However, if you are already on the fence and only plan on skateboarding every so often, this investment may be less beneficial.

Your skills

Understanding your skills and capabilities before you consider starting a new sport should save you plenty of time and effort during the decision-making process. Perhaps you possess some excellent upper body strength, or you are a naturally great runner or jumper. Whatever skill it might be that you excel at, it might be that your skillset is perfectly suited for a particular sport.

Your physique and health

As I mentioned earlier in this article, it is certainly never too late to take on a new outdoor sport, but there are considerations you need to factor into your decision. One of those is your current health and physique. You need to evaluate the current limitations your health and physique create, as this will impact which sport you choose.

For example, if you are over a certain age and with a record of heart problems, you should probably steer clear of high-impact, fast-paced sports like American football or soccer (football). However, there are always other options that you can pursue, such as walking, or tag rugby.

Understanding your limitations and selecting the right physical fitness for you is essential to ensure you get the most out of your new hobby while also staying safe.

The benefits

Gaining a better understanding of the benefits each sport can give you and the impact it will have on your body is another essential aspect to consider. Each sport focuses on enhancing some form of skill and your health in some way.

Almost every single sport is fantastic for heart health and blood circulation, alongside many other benefits such as maintaining healthy bones, body toning, or muscle building.

We spend so much of our lives sitting at a desk, getting almost no exercise. Choosing a new outdoor sport is a great way to get our bodies moving, and it gives us an opportunity to get a much-needed breath of fresh air.

What Are You Trying To Achieve?

Lose weight

One excellent bonus of joining new summer activities or sporting clubs is that it is a great way to lose weight while having fun. We all know how monotonous and frustrating dieting can be, so instead of not allowing yourself to eat any calories, why not just burn a few more each week while playing a sport that you enjoy?

Forcing yourself to go out for a run or a walk before work can be difficult at the best of times, but if you have joined a club and you are enjoying the exercise you are doing, it becomes much easier to motivate yourself to get your steps in each day, sometimes without even realising!

Try something new

Variety is the spice of life! As the saying goes, trying new things is an excellent way to get your day-to-day life out of a rut and change your daily routine for the better.

As an adult, it is all too easy to get stuck doing the same things day in, day out. You get up, go to work, come home, watch TV, see family or friends at the weekend, and repeat.

While a certain level of consistency is certainly beneficial, doing the same thing over and over again for too long is a waste of your potential. Instead, get out there and try something new this summer. You'll be amazed at the various benefits that transfer across to the rest of your life.

Get fitter

Another obvious goal for many people looking to undertake a new summer activity or sport is to get fitter! It might be that you have a competition of some sort coming up in the future that you want to train for, or maybe you are simply trying to ensure you don't lose your fitness levels as you get older.

Whatever the case may be, taking up an outdoor sport or activity is a fantastic way to get fitter. Which activity you choose will impact how much fitter you get and how quickly you get there, but ultimately almost any outdoor activity will help you achieve your fitness goals.

As the pandemic taught many of us, we should not take our health for granted and ensure that we maintain a healthy, well-balanced life wherever we can.

Make new friends

Last and certainly not least, starting a new summer outdoor sport is a fantastic way to make new friends and increase your social circles. At school, it was easy to make new friends. You might get paired together for a class project or go to the same after-school clubs.

However, as you get older, you'll probably have noticed how hard it is to make friends as an adult! If you aren't already friends with your work colleagues, or the people you work with aren't the sort of people you would socialise with, there are limited opportunities to meet new people, unless you start a new summer sport!

Summer sports are a fantastic way to meet new, like-minded people within a team environment. If you join the right team or activity, you will find that there are several social events where you can chat with new people, learn more about others, and make friends for life.

Examples of Summer Sports and Activities and Their Benefits

Football (Soccer)

First on the list is one of the most popular sports in the world, football. While it is likely that you played football at school at some point, perhaps in a physical education class or with your friends, for some, it was hard to get into it as a proper hobby, as the children on the team certainly aren't always the nicest bunch!

However, that is not the case for adults. And there are also many different levels or types of football that you can try.

Perhaps you are concerned about doing too much running in your current physical condition. If this is the case, you can look for a five-a-side league or even a walking football league, where players are not allowed to run at any time.

As it is one of the most popular sports, it is also one of the most accessible, regardless of your fitness levels. Playing a team sport will help you make new friends along the way, and there are not any high upfront costs to consider. Often the football is already supplied, so all you will need is some suitable trainers and fitness clothes.


Tennis is another excellent summer outdoor sport and can be played at any level of intensity or ability; and is a great way to socialise, get outside, and get fitter.

Playing tennis for your local club will introduce you to many different people to socialise with, and often tennis clubs hold official and unofficial events throughout the year that you can attend.

As with other sports, the intensity you play depends entirely on how your fitness level, skill level, and your goals. You can play casual tennis with other casual players or push yourself to try and join the local team.

Whatever your goals might be, tennis is an excellent hobby for the summer, and as it only lasts for one to two hours, you can play in the evening after work and still have your weekends free for socialising with friends and family.


Next on this list of summer activities is running. There are very few activities that feel more liberating than getting out for a long run in the evening sun.

One of the best parts about running is that you don't need to spend lots of money getting started.

All you need is the appropriate footwear and attire, and you're good to go! You can run at your own pace, take little breaks, or run with friends to catch up. The possibilities are endless.

If you plan on running frequently, I would recommend buying a decent pair of running shoes to provide your knees and hips with the best possible support, especially for running on hard ground. And never forget to warm-up before and after each run!


Do you enjoy many of the aspects of long-distance running, but your body struggles with the impact this causes? Perhaps you should take up cycling! Cycling offers a lot of the same benefits as long-distance running, but the big differences are how far you can go and how much impact your body sustains during the exercise.

Running on flat ground can cause small injuries to become bigger over time, but if you enjoy getting out into the countryside on your own, exploring new areas, and taking in the scenery around you, you can still do so, but on a bike.

Like running, cycling does not have to be a sport that you undertake on your own. There are many different cycling clubs that go out on an evening or weekend together, cycle many kilometres, and then stumble into a local pub for a post-cycle beer.

Cycling is an excellent option for keeping your fitness levels high as well, as you will burn many calories while riding around with your new friends.


Another excellent way to get outside more in summer and get your steps in is to go hiking. You would be amazed at the various hiking trails there are hiding in your nearby area. Hiking is a fantastic activity to do either socially with friends or solo to spend a bit of time in the outdoors on your own.

Pack your water and other essentials such as suncream and a cap, and head out to explore mother nature. Hiking is a relatively inexpensive hobby to get into, and once you have purchased the right clothing and footwear, the upkeep costs are minimal. Not to mention the fact that almost all hiking trails are free. So pack yourself a picnic, plan your route, and go enjoy the summer weather.

Paddle boarding

The final outdoor activity on this list is paddle-boarding. Paddle boarding has seen a significant rise in popularity over recent years, as it is seen as a very relaxing, spiritually freeing activity that allows you to get out onto the water and just paddle around.

For those that haven't ever heard of paddle boarding, it is as simple as the name suggests! You take a large board out to a flat water location, such as a lake, and you paddle out, stand up on your board, and paddle around the water with your oar.

While paddle boarding certainly is a fun and engaging social activity, the equipment list is not the cheapest. Paddle boards can be expensive, so be conscious of how much you plan on using one before making a purchase.

I would always recommend buying a cheaper beginner's board to start with, even if you think you are going to do a lot of paddle boarding. That way, if you don't do as much as you thought you would, it is not as much investment lost. If you do end up paddle boarding frequently, you can always sell your old board and buy a better one in the future.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter what outdoor activity you choose. Just be sure to get yourself outside this summer, making the most of the great weather in any way you can!


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