Are you managing your time or is your time managing you?


We all complain about…“If there was more time during the day”, “I’m too busy”, “I’ll start when I’ve more time”.
I’ve definitely used each statement at some point. But where did it get me? Absolutely nowhere!

What I’ve learnt to do is manage my time the best I can, in turn it’s made me more productive….I’ve seen my energy increase and my anxiety decrease! My secret -

- I schedule my working week
- I schedule my training times
- I schedule my meal prep times
- I schedule contingency time

It means I know when to switch off and focus on quality family time. It means I’m not thinking and worrying about what I have to do or where I’ll need to be, nope. I’m simply present! It has been a complete game changer for me and I know a lot of my members feel the same!I know what you’re thinking… what if something unexpected comes up!

It happens! It has happened! We just have to adapt and manage the best we can! How?

Well let’s say… an unexpected problem takes an hour out of my day. Enter contingency plan…I can then pop whatever I’ve missed into that! It’s so easy to look for obstacles before you’ve even begun, I get that! But you can find solutions. Control what you can…Roll with what you cannot.

