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When Should You Do Cardio?
Gareth Edgar Gareth Edgar

When Should You Do Cardio?

Wondering when to do cardio for optimal results? This article will help you figure out the best time to work up a sweat.

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The Minimum Effective Dose for Training and Nutrition
Gareth Edgar Gareth Edgar

The Minimum Effective Dose for Training and Nutrition

Let's be honest, the minimum effective dose won't get you the optimal results regarding health.

So what?

If you aren’t someone who’s looking to fully optimise their gains, health, fitness, or nutrition, the minimum effective dose might be for you.

In this article, you’ll learn what we recommend as the minimum effective doses for a healthy life.

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Why You Should Never Diet Again
Gareth Edgar Gareth Edgar

Why You Should Never Diet Again

This article explains that diets fail because they don't address the root causes of overeating. It also explores how to create a hunger-free life instead of using willpower to diet.

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5 Fitness Myths You Should Drop!
Gareth Edgar Gareth Edgar

5 Fitness Myths You Should Drop!

There are a lot of myths about fitness that trip up people who are trying to stay healthy. Here we look at some of the most common ones and explain why they're wrong.

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using AWARENESS to counter stress
Gareth Edgar Gareth Edgar

using AWARENESS to counter stress

When you’re aware of the reason your body is stressed, it’s easier to correct and prevent stress. Here are some ways you can use awareness to counter stress!

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